Canna Forum

Explore the World of Cannabis

Wagyu Donutz Feminized Blackberry Moonrocks Blue Pancakes High Mars Tahoe Fire by
Five Legged Goat

Howard Marks RIP

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I have just heard the sad news that Howard Marks has passed on, and he will be sorely missed by many, including myself.

Throughout his 70 years, Howard led a very interesting life as a scholar, smuggler, writer, performer and consummate cannabis lover.

Our most grievous condolences go to Howard’s family and friends at this difficult time.

Howard was a counter-culture anti-hero, who touched the hearts and minds of many, throughout his illustrious career as a student/dope smuggler, prisoner, author, lecturer and consummate cannabis enthusiast.

Whatever ‘crimes’ he might have been accused of in his life, and jailed for, just… Continue reading

Vintage Cannabis Images

harvesting hemp on the 194 us 10 dollar bill

In 1914 the United States $10 bill featured an image of hemp being harvested in the fields, a symbol of the glorious productivity of our nation at that time.

Since then, our site member BillyCW has been collecting memorabilia and is working on a thread that we want to let everyone know about, Vintage News Articles and Finds.

When I see these images from the past, I realize how long we have suffered from a lack of freedom and education about this plant as a result of its prohibition. Not only prohibited, but demonized since the beginning of the… Continue reading

Video Interview with Robert Connell Clarke

Political and cannabis activist and currently the director of PROJECT CBD  Martin Lee interviews our favourite author, Robert Connell Clarke in this video from a series entitled “Cannabis Conversations.”

When I met Rob Clarke in Amsterdam he was gracious and allowed us to quote freely from his then-recently released book “Hashish.” We reviewed the book and used the quotes in the Charter Edition of the International Cannagraphic which was published in February, 2004.

Check this video out and learn a thing or two about CBD’s from those who know the truth, not the lies.

New Tax on Medical Marijuana in California to be 15%

Medical-marijuana-sign copy

In the news from California, State Senator Mike McGuire announced he wants to tax Medical Marijuana at a rate of 15%, adding further hardship to already over-charged and under-served patients.

We made a commitment last year as we were working through the huge undertaking of setting statewide regulations for medical marijuana that we would follow up on a statewide excise tax,” McGuire said. “This needed revenue will make our communities stronger by focusing on the impacts of cultivation and use of marijuana, including funding local law enforcement and neighborhood improvement programs, state parks, drug and alcohol treatment and environmental rehabilitation.… Continue reading

Storing Cannabis – Some Absorbing Ideas

9 Pounds of pot grown by a Cannagrapher.

9 Pounds of pot grown by a Cannagrapher.

Now that you grew all this, what are you going to do with it? Sometimes it is best to hang on to it for a better price, or a time when there is a shortage. Whatever, you best store it well so it stays fresh and smokeable over time.

What happens to cannabis as it gets older? The color changes to brown, the resins oxidate and lose their flavor and aroma, the potency of the high, or the desired medical effect is depleted.

Over time many methods were used to keep things… Continue reading